【2017 文化中国·四海同春王宏伟、吕薇、张其萍倾情演唱,中央民族歌舞团大型歌舞剧《传奇》50人大阵容2017年2月10日南湾隆重上演】The Ethnic Legends of China
When: Friday, February 10, 2017 at 7:30pm
Where: Flint Center for the Performing Arts, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014

With unique choreography, beautiful songs, stunning costumes, and colorful design, “The Ethnic Legends of China” is performed by one of the top professional performing art companies: China Ethnic Song and Dance Ensemble, and is a feast of Chinese ethnic art. This music and dance production highlights many different regions of China and their stunning songs, dances, and scenery. Performers include well known singers from China. Tenor Mr. Wang Hongwei is a member of Chinese Musicians Association and a winner of many national awards; he has appeared on national TV numerous times and held solo concerts in Beijing, Ningbo, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, the Philippines, Singapore, Vienna and other sites. Two beautiful singers, Ms. Lu Wei and Ms. Zhang Qiping, have won many awards and toured many times to the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Germany, Italy, Australia, Belgium, and Austria

主办: 中国国务院侨务办公室,中国海外交流协会 承办: 旧金山华星艺术团 协办: 南海艺术中心, 美国华人舞蹈家协会, 剑桥旅游公司
Presenters: Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of State Council of China San Francisco Bay Area Presented by: Huaxing Arts Group San Francisco & US Chinese Dance Association, and NanHai Art Center, Cambridge Travel & Tours, China Roots Camp Silicon Valley Association, IvyMax Academy, Silicon Valley Youth Orchestra, and U.S. Hunan Association 
票价:VIP$88,$68,$48,$28 售票热线 Tickets at (925)487-8883,(408)694-7121,(408)876-7749,(925) 208-1030
PayPal order at 预定 info@uschinadance.org; 你会收到确认邮件告知座位号。
社团, 团购, 团体预定优惠多多:一次订购10张以上票价 -10%;一次订购30张以上票价 -20%;USCDA舞协团体会员, 华星盟友团体、华星赞助商、华星分销商, 华星艺委会, 订购100张以上超大优惠请洽(925)487-8883. 欲购从速,位子好坏以付款先后为序。
1. Any single order with 10 - 29 tickets, get 10%off. 2. Any single order with 30 plus tickets, get 20%off. 3. Any single order with 100 plus Groupdiscount for USCDA Members, Huaxing Sponsors and Huaxing Partners, Huaxing distributors, please call (925)487-8883.
2016-12-01 SF华星艺术团

“文化中国·四海同春”中央民族歌舞团大型歌舞剧《传奇》50人大阵容将于2017年2月10日周五晚7:30在旧金山南湾福林中心 Flint Center for the Performing Arts 隆重上演!

倾情加盟西部歌王王宏伟。著名男高音歌唱家,中国音乐家协会理事,国家一级演员。 曾在第九届“步步高杯”全国青年歌手电视大奖赛中,获得专业组民族唱法金奖及“观众最喜爱的歌手”奖,“中国唱片金碟奖”最佳男民歌歌手奖,“第四届中国唱片金唱片奖”民歌类专辑奖及民歌类男演员奖,“第十届全球华语音乐榜中榜”评委会特别奖,第六届、第十一届“CCTV—MTV音乐盛典”内地最佳民歌男歌手奖。王宏伟先后出版过的专辑《黄河遥遥》《西部放歌》《西部情歌》《儿行千里》《用我的心握你的手》《黑眼睛》《你是我所有的回忆》《心中的草原》等。主演多部歌剧并在北京、宁波、广州、深圳、菲律宾、新加坡、维也纳等国内外多个城市成功举办过个人独唱音乐会。


张其萍,国家一级演员, 曾荣获全国听众最喜爱的歌手“金号奖”,国家文化部第三届新人新作(声乐)大赛“荣誉奖”,首届全国大学生艺术展演声乐比赛专业组一等奖,首届长三角(江浙沪闽)青年歌手大赛民族组一等奖,第六届中国音乐金钟奖(声乐)比赛优秀演唱奖,第九届“步步高”杯全国青年歌手电视大赛 “优秀歌手奖”(四人组合),第十一届、十二届全国青年歌手电视大赛江苏赛区第一名。曾多次随国务院侨办艺术团、江苏文化艺术交流团赴澳大利亚、意大利、法国、比利时、英国、奥地利、日本、韩国、马来西亚等国以及台湾、香港、澳门地区访问演出。

中央民族歌舞团成立于1952年,以继承、繁荣、发展少数民族文化艺术为宗旨,是中国唯一的国家级少数民族文艺表演团体。 中央民族歌舞团培养和造就了众多中国著名的艺术家,多年来创作了大批优秀作品,很多作品至今仍被广为传唱和使用,已成为经久不衰的中国少数民族艺术精典之作。 中央民族歌舞团在向传统致敬的同时,也在不断探索用新的艺术形式来创作出具有中国少数民族独特审美的当代作品。中央民族歌舞团多样性的作品体现了“致敬传统、放眼未来”的创作宗旨,因此,独特的风格、多样的形式、精湛的制作和明星荟萃是中央民族歌舞团的标志。 中央民族歌舞团是国际舞台上的中国优秀少数民族文化使者,也是国内优秀少数民族文化传播的引领者。多年来,中央民族歌舞团艺术家的足迹遍及祖国的大江南北和世界的五洲四海,多次随同国家领导人出访世界各地,已成为代表中国形象的“民族之花”。
China Ethnic Song and Dance Ensemble, founded in 1952, is the only state-level art performing organization of ethnic groups in China. It has been developing based on the principles of inheriting, flourishing and developing the art and culture of ethnic groups in China. Through development for many years, China Ethnic Song and Dance Ensemble has nurtured many distinguished artists and created a large number of outstanding players, many works of which are still popular and become enduring classic art of Chinese ethnic minorities. Along with paying homage to tradition, China Ethnic Song and Dance Ensembles continuously strives to create modern works of Chinese ethnic minorities’unique aesthetic culture in new forms of art, which have embodied the creation tenet of “tribute to tradition, look beyond future”. Consequently, its distinct style, diverse forms, dedicate production and studded stars have become the symbol of China Ethnic Song and Dance Ensembles. China Ethnic Song and Dance Ensembles is not only the excellent cultural ambassador of Chinese ethnic minorities in the international stage, but also the outstanding leader of minority culture of our country.Over the years, the artists of China Ethnic Song and Dance Ensemble toured all around the world and visited many countries along with the China’s national leaders, symbolizing a “National Flower” of Chinese image.